This week's theme at Homeschool Blog Awards is Let's play a game. I haven't kept up like I intended to but I will try my best to do better.
We play a few games now and then. There are times when we have a family game night. We like to play clue and monopoly. We use these as learning experiences for the older ones.
We've been thinking about trying Risk. I've heard this is a great strategy game and makes you think - kind of like chess? Which is another one I, myself, would like to learn. Of course, I don't think I could beat my husband at any strategy game - he's really good at that!
We've started playing I Spy again.... Ainsley is old enough now that she knows her colors and loves to play it whenever we go somewhere. But it always seems to be the same thing with her! "I spy something green!" And before we can answer.... "It's the trees, Mommy!" It reminds me of the scene in Finding Nemo:
"Uhh, It's orange with white stripes..."
"It's me."
"Ok. It's small and orange, white stripes...."
"It's me."
"Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants. It's...."
"Me. And let me guess, the next one, it's me...."
Overall, we're pretty spontaneous! Not all of our games our educational. Some are just for fun! We've been know to have a rousing round of Uno or Chicken Foot with dominos!
I look forward to seeing what games others are playing!
A lot of our games wouldn't be considered "educational" either, but they are still teaching kids.(how to take turns, win/lose, etc.) We love games and play I Spy at almost every restaurant we go to just to help pass the time. :)