As usual life gets in the way and I don't always find the time to blog. When I don't, I miss it though. Here's what we've been up to....

A little school work.... Ainsley is learning her alphabet. We try to work on one or two letters a week while reviewing previous letters at the same time. Here, she's playing the Jump Start Preschool games. She loves the computer.

A little fun time with the local homeschool group teens. As you can tell, we have mostly girls. These five have been together for the last several years through the homeschool group and Girl Scouts.

And I finally have all my kids under one roof. The three girls are, of course, still at home. The boys though are off on their own. The one of the left, K, is in the Air Force. The one on the right, Z, has a family of his own now and works hard in the local community. (This photo was taken after much struggling and complaining and elbowing and tickling!)
I hope everyone has a great week!
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