Sunday, November 30, 2008
Ice in South Georgia!
Happy Birthday to Leah
Decorating for her party:
The cake and birthday wishes: (mom didn't get to make the cake this year :( )

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Orange is the new Pink!
Needless to say, I was leary, VERY leary, about painting her room this color. I mean....look at it! That's orange - Orange Julius orange! I kept asking her if she was SURE she wanted to paint her room that color. She kept assuring me that she was positive (ever seen the movie "...." where Batty says "even fools are positive!" Yeah, that fits here.
The next morning I went to get her up and noticed a glow coming from her room. Through the closed door I asked why she'd slept with the light on. She said, "Mom, it's not on."
Now on to the detail decorating. We've got to do something about downplaying these really bright walls.
Friday, November 21, 2008
101 Things to Be Happy About

2. waking up to the smell of coffee in the mornings.
3. the birth of a child
4. a hug
5. a smile
6. your child’s first word
7. holding hands with the one you love
8. the smell of French fries
9. making your goal weight
10. fitting into that smaller size
11. the smell of fresh, clean laundry
12. teaching your toddler to sing
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Check these out!
Homeschool Memoirs #14: Award The Categories

Check out Homeschool Blog Awards if you want to play!
He has so many talents it's hard to name just one. He works hard with two full time jobs, rarely sleeps because he's providing for the family, teaches history to our girls because he's a history buff, orders fantastic pizza from Dominos, and likes to debate about politics. But, his passion is his artwork. He's done murals, model cars, real cars, signs, garbage cans, tool boxes....basically anything he can get his hands on. And did I mention he's a wonderful Christian man and father?

The Next Best Super Model: Leah

Most Talented Drama Queen: Ainsley

At three, she is a combustable combination of all the kids rolled up into a little package of dynamite! She has her big brother Zach's sensitive side, brother Kyle's goofyness, sister Elizabeth's artist abilities, and sister Leah's flare for the dramatic. She loves, loves, loves to be the center of attention and now aspires to be a model like sister Leah. Keep an eye out for this one! 'Nuff said!
Congratulations to all the others out there who have just won these prestigious awards!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday Tidbits - November 18

Monday, November 17, 2008

Outside my window it is a bright sunny day. No clouds in the sky - but I know it's chilly out there!
I am thinking about our hectic schedule this eveing: modeling at 5:30 and a full show rehearsal at 6:00.
I am thankful for my older girls being such indepent learners!
From the learning rooms we're doing Algebra...again.
From the kitchen: there are dirty dishes waiting to be done from this morning's breakfast. Did I just post about organization? Oh, well...that comes in the afternoon!
I am wearing a bright pink t-shirt with gray sweats and comfy socks.
I am creating my recipe list for our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
I am going to sit and play Collapse when all the chores are done!
I am reading a book by Nora Roberts.
I am hoping I have time to put on some makeup before heading out the door!
I am hearing classical music coming out of my computer speakers. We like to listen to classical while schoolwork is being done.
Around the house I see that Ainsley did not pick up her toys like Mommy said to. But, nap time is more important for Mommy's sanity so I'll leave her alone for now.
One of my favorite things is talking to my husband in the middle of the day.
A few plans for the rest of the week: get the program for the play finished.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
Gettin' Organized in the Middle of Chaos!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Simple Woman's Daybook

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mom Help!

Oh, do I LOVE this topic as, I'm sure, do other homeschool moms. We need a lot of help, right? Ok, maybe some more than others. There are those who make it look so easy! Can I have a piece of their pie, please?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Coupon Shopping

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Homeschool Memoirs #12: Let’s Play A Game!

This week's theme at Homeschool Blog Awards is Let's play a game. I haven't kept up like I intended to but I will try my best to do better.
We play a few games now and then. There are times when we have a family game night. We like to play clue and monopoly. We use these as learning experiences for the older ones.
We've been thinking about trying Risk. I've heard this is a great strategy game and makes you think - kind of like chess? Which is another one I, myself, would like to learn. Of course, I don't think I could beat my husband at any strategy game - he's really good at that!
We've started playing I Spy again.... Ainsley is old enough now that she knows her colors and loves to play it whenever we go somewhere. But it always seems to be the same thing with her! "I spy something green!" And before we can answer.... "It's the trees, Mommy!" It reminds me of the scene in Finding Nemo:
"Uhh, It's orange with white stripes..."
"It's me."
"Ok. It's small and orange, white stripes...."
"It's me."
"Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants. It's...."
"Me. And let me guess, the next one, it's me...."
Overall, we're pretty spontaneous! Not all of our games our educational. Some are just for fun! We've been know to have a rousing round of Uno or Chicken Foot with dominos!
I look forward to seeing what games others are playing!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Catching Up
A little school work.... Ainsley is learning her alphabet. We try to work on one or two letters a week while reviewing previous letters at the same time. Here, she's playing the Jump Start Preschool games. She loves the computer.