By the way, if you haven't been to the Oriental Trading website - you . should . go!! There are a ton of great things on there for a bargain - you know, we homeschoolers love a great bargain!
Here's the product list for the Scarecrow Craft:
Product: Wood Craftstick Scarecrow Banner Craft Kit
Category: Fun Fall Crafts
KidsAge: preschool, kindergarten, elementary: grade 1 - grade 6
(for searching on Oriental Trading)
A fun craft to make with kids out of craft sticks and craft foam. Mr. Scarecrow can warmly greet your guests if hung on your door!
Supplies needed (substitutes may be used):
Craft sticks
Googly eyes
Hat pattern
Flower pattern
Mouth pattern
Nose pattern
Yellow ribbon
Brown craft foam
Orange craft foam
Yellow craft foam
Blue craft foam
Permanent Marker
The kit comes with complete instructions, of course, but I know so many of you wouldn't need them - you're just creative like that! - and you could come up with your own super-cool patterns!
Here are some other cute craft kits I found at Oriental Trading.

Thought this one was adorable! It's made out of wood and can be decorated however your heart desires!
Happy crafting, y'all!
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