Friday, January 30, 2009

Life Is Like A Bowl Of Cherries...

...sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's the pits. That's the motto of my blog, after all.

I've been down and out for more than a week now - but I take full responsibility for it. My intentions were the best, but I guess sometimes we just don't know what's best, do we? So, this past week or so has been The Pits, to say the least.

To make a long, dramatic story short... hubby and I agreed to take temporary custody of our two young granddaughters so that their mother could relocate to Panama City to be with their Dad. He's been there for about 3 months and they have been trying to get the mom and girls down there. The problem, or so we were told, was that the person my son (the Dad) was living with would not allow the kids to live there - which was why we agreed to take the kids until they could get a place of their own.

So, the mom dropped the girls with us a week before she moved to Panama City. I love those kids but that was one of the most difficult weeks I've spent in a long time. The problem: the youngest, Faith, does NOT sleep at night. The reason: we think it's due to their parents being up at all hours of the night with the girls, riding around town, visiting friends, etc. They don't keep regular hours as most people do. During the week we had them, we tried everything we knew to help her sleep. And it was not only that - the child the top of her very shrill voice!

By the end of the week, our nerves were frayed raw and we were all at the breaking point. So, we gave the children back to their parents. It didn't go over very well. They've had to figure out what they're going to do about living arrangements.

I feel guilt, but I feel relief also. As a mother I'm torn in two. I want to help my children succeed and see my grandchildren happy and well taken care of. But I have three left at home who suffered tremendously during that week. I told my son I had to choose between giving my grandchildren back to their parents or my home. I chose my home. I can only hope it was the right choice for the grandbabies.

I've missed most of my walking this past week, but I've maintained my 5 pound loss. Now that I'm getting caught back up on sleep and some much needed peace in my house, I will get back on the wagon.

Thanks for letting me vent, Cyber Friends. Next post will be more positive! :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Post About Nothing

Hi Cyber Friends,

It's been about two weeks since I've posted. Lots going on here and lots to report - but not today, sorry. Not feeling myself right now.

I hope you are all feeling well and happy! Will catch up by this weekend and post about my results on the New Me Challenge!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This, That, and Everything

Ok, so I'm feeling a little frazzled this week. Actually, it could be that I have all this extra energy and I soooo don't know what to do with it! Have you seen the new movie, Yes Man!, with Jim Carrey. (If you haven't, you need to!) The part where he drank a Red Bull....yeah, that's what I feel like!

So, I'm feeling better than yesterday but still not sure if anything is getting done - except schoolwork, of course. We are actually getting that accomplished. But, as I look around (cringing) I see the dishes in the sink, the pile of towels on the sofa (I can't beat that laundry, I tell ya!), and a dog that desperately needs a bath.

I'm going to take Chocolateer's advice and set my timer for 15 minutes (that is if I can tear myself away from this ball and chain in front of me - my faithful old friend, I mean - the computer). Let's see how much I can accomplish in 15 minutes with all this energy. My house should be spotless, right!?

Ok - so on to other things.

American Idol: Did you watch the first episode last night? Of course, the freaky ones are what make it interesting but I think my favorite part was when Kara busted out in song! I'd never heard of her before and my jury was still out on her. But when she stood up to that little tramp in the bikini and showed her how it was done - oh yeah, she had my vote!

And by the way, Bikini Girl (I will call you so since I can't lower myself to remember your name), what a shallow way to audition for a part. Guess we know how you'll get to the top.

Ok, ok....for all my conservative friends out there - I truly apologize for that comment! It's this extra energy taking hold of me!

Audition: we had a very strange and rare opportunity present itself today. My daughter, Leah, is trying to break into the modeling/acting business. We just found out that "they" are having auditions for a movie starring Woody Harrelson - yeah, no kidding, and right here in Valdosta, Georgia! Imagine that. The only thing's a horror comedy. She would play a zombie. (Don't tell my friend, Michelle - she hates zombies. She'll push you in front of her just to get out of the way!) But, we're going anyway, just so Leah can get the experience of a real audition. (This is not's what she aspires to at the moment)

FlyLady - I know you've got my Calgon so give it up, will ya? Just kidding - I love ya!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Calgon in the middle of Chaos

Calgon? Yeah, right! Calgon hasn't seen the inside of my house, let alone my bathtub, in over a decade. Now, just calm down...that doesn't mean I haven't taken a bath in a decade.....

Beware, this post is about nothing. So, stop reading right now. Did someone say I was too busy? Well, yes...about everyone I run into. But, being the outspoken and determined person I am, I don't listen very well to the well-wishers. "Dana, you've got to slow down." "Dana, you can't do it all." Oh, really? Who says I can't do it all, have it all, want it all???? Who, huh? Who?

(Honey, can you get some Calgon on the way home?)

Let's see if I can put some organization into my busy daily schedule. Here's some things I have been working on getting accomplished.

Lesson plans for the girls
Re-doing the homeschool website
Planning the homeschool group meetings
Making phone calls
Sending emails
Responding to emails
Grading papers
updating my blog
researching cake ideas for a birthday
getting ready for the Moms to come
folding the laundry
putting the laundry away
doing school with the girls
reading blogs
trying not to fall off the lifestyle change wagon

I find myself flitting through the house going from thing to thing to thing. I have to make myself stop, choose one thing, get it done, and move on to the next. FlyLady, where are you? Do you have my Calgon?

Not only that - but I'm stuck in the house! At the moment, we have one car to share between us and since hubby works during the day the girls and I are stuck here with no way to get to the many places we would go - not that Valdosta has that many places we would go, but .... it's the principle, you know?

Ok, ok. I'm about done now. Obviously I'm bored and need something else to do, right? Hmmm, ok. I'm off to search. :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The New Me Challenge - Week 2

Gosh, it's been 2 weeks already?

Well, really this was my first full week. But, it was a really good one for me. I hope the rest of you who are taking the challenge with me had as good a week.

My progress:

I walked not three days as planned this week, but four! And I added a lap. I've noticed an increase in my energy level, which is what prompted me to get out there on the fourth day.

My eating habits are improving too. I bought some fresh green beans at the store, blanched them, and I eat those as a snack. I've noticed I get hungry a little more often but I'm choosing healthy snacks as opposed to crackers, chips, or some other food that starts with C! This week my snacks consisted of: yogurt, a sliced apple with peanut butter, carrots with ranch, and green beans. My taste buds still need to get used to the change, but my will power has taken over, finally! I'm also finding that I get full quicker, so I'm eating less.

I've also been drinking less soda and more water!

Next week I plan to replace the rance with fat-free or reduced fat ranch. Some things are harder to give up than others, you know. I'll also be adding another lap to my walking. Not sure if I'll add another day or not yet.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gone to the races!

Ainsley was wearing her princess dress, sneakers, a sweat shirt, and dad on her new scooter - he on her tricycle. Wow! What a race!

What a great dad.

They Lost A Whole Person!

If you read my blog you may know by now that my goal this year, along with so many others, is to lose some weight. I'd like to lose about 40 pounds. To me, this seems like a great feat - but, have you seen the new January 12th issue of People magazine? Just about the entire issue is dedicated to those who have lost weight - significant amounts of weight! It's extremely inspiring!
I looked for photos of this current issue but they don't seem to be posted on the website yet. So, here is a photo of Teresa Williams who did it in 2007!

It's just amazing to me that people like this woman have the guts to lose a whole person. I love to read the People issues that come out every year of people who are doing just that!

She doesn't even look like the same person! In her story, she lost 160 pounds! People - that's what I weigh right now! She lost an entire "me".
I was watching tv the day before yesterday and came across a show that was along these same lines: people losing half their weight. The show (which I can't recall the name of) was highlighting this girl, Jen, who lives in Atlanta. Read about her here. Again, what an inspiration to us all.

Like so many people in the US, I've tried the commercial diets - Weight Watchers several times, The South Beach Diet, starving myself, etc, etc. Sure, they work for the short term. But, what I've discovered in studying the way the people did it is that you have to change your lifestyle. It's not a diet. You can't call it a diet. Diets are for the short term. If you want a long term gain, you have to change the way you live, the way you eat, and yes, the way you exercise.

Jen says it perfectly on her website: "You have to change your mind." I thought about this statement while walking with my husband yesterday. For me, this is the center of it all. You have to change your mind that you want to live a healthy lifestyle. If you are not commited to yourself first, it simply won't work.

Let's remember that we didn't add these pounds overnight, so it won't be overnight that we lose them. It takes perseverance. It takes will power. It takes a mind change.

If I wasn't ready before to lose these extra pounds, I certainly am now! Thank you to all those who have gone before me to give me the inspiration I need!

If you haven't yet joined me for The New Me Challenge, come along and get on board. Everyone needs some support and accountability. Let's do it together! Commit to change your lifestyle, eat healthier and exercise, and post your weekly progress once a week! To join us, go here:

By the way, I found a really great tool you can use to help keep track of your daily progress. Go to: It's a lot like using Weight Watchers tracking tool, but this one is free. There is a subscription if you want more features, but for me, the free one is just fine. You can track your weight, input your activity and the foods you eat, track your calorie intake, and more. I plan to use this to keep me motivated and because I'm a visual person and I like to see the results.
So - ok, ladies! Let's get moving!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The New Me Challenge - Week 1

Week 1 was not a full week since I started in the middle of it. But, I did get in some walking in my neighborborhood.

Here's the positives:

1. Walked in my neighborhood

2. Ate smaller portions

3. Snacked less during the day

Here's the not-s0-positives:

1. I found myself gravitating to starchy foods. Even though I only had a baked potato for lunch - it was still a baked potato! I will try to correct this next week.

My goal for next week: to walk Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and to eat more veggies!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Book Challenge

Here's another challenge I'm entering this year. It shouldn't be too much of a stretch for me since I love to read anyway. My problem is that I have a hard time stepping out of my comfort zone and reading something in a different genre or reading an author I've not yet read. I see so many books that look interesting though. So this year, I'm going to expand my world and reach out to see what I can discover - through books.

Thanks to My Friend Amy for the new challenge.