Friday, February 26, 2010

Women of Faith Conference 2010 - Duluth, GA

Click Here To Play

This will be the first year I'm able to go. I'll be heading in with a group of fantastic ladies from my church. I hope to see YOU there!



Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Get a 5-Year Old To Clean Their Room

I admit 5-year old daughter's room is usually a complete mess! I'm not the type of person who likes to live with a messy room, but I just don't always have the time to make sure the kids are cleaning their rooms. Sometimes I don't have time to clean my own room. I'm not necessarily a neat freak but I do function better when things are put in their place and everything is nice and clean.

I recently discovered a great way to get my child to clean her room without a lot of tears and tantrums. And believe me, she has them! It's called "Baby Steps"!

See this room? It's a complete mess! Actually, this is not bad compared to what it was before I took the picture. I couldn't even see the floor!

You've heard the saying "you can't eat the elephant all at once"? You have to tackle any big chore in small steps and it's certainly no different for the kids. Seeing her room in complete chaos and being faced with the chore of cleaning it up is quite intimidating to her.

So, we start small.

First, I tell her to pick up all the little bitty toys and put them in the red bucket. She has to let me know when she's finished.

Next, I tell her to hang her purses on the hooks behind her door. Let me know when she's finished.

Next put the dress up clothes in the bucket in the closet.

Then, put the stuffed animals in the bucket in the closet.

Put the shoes in the shoe hanger.

Put dirty clothes in the hamper.

Last, put the rest of the toys on the floor in the bucket in the closet.

We try to make it fun, too. Sometimes we do it to music. Sometimes we time her and see how long it takes her. Sometimes we use bribery - ice cream usually works well for us.
And after a few minutes....a clean room! Wow! Wish I'd have thought of this when my other four were growing up. Better late than never, I guess!

I'd love to hear how you motivate your little ones to clean.

Happy Day!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Comment Luv

So, I just joined up with Harriet B and a bunch of other bloggers for some February Comment Luv. I luv comments, but I don't get them often enough! I'm not an everyday blogger but I do try to get on here once or twice a week. With my schedule it's nearly impossible for me to post something every single day. I guess I need to have a theme or a purpose for my blog, I don't know.
I do love to visit other blogs. I love to see who's out there and what they are doing. I guess that's why the blogosphere is so wildly popular. We all have a curiousity about what strangers are doing.
I hope you'll come along with me, Harriet, and the others and join in on a little comment luv this month! :) I'm sure you won't be sorry!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Little Bloggy Love

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. But instead of focusing on the traditional form of it, I'd like to see who everyone in the blogosphere loves - meaning, what blogs are your faves. Ok - I admit I have an ulterior motive. I love to read blogs and am always surfing to see who's out there. I thought this would be a great way to get others involved, too.

So, do you like to read blogs? What are your favorite blogs? Post at least three including the links and make sure you tell your faves that you posted about them. Sign up below with Mr. Linky.

My faves are:

1. Critical Mass: Rae Ann is so sweet and talented. Her posts just tickle my funny bone! And I love the updates to her blog.

2. The LPM Blog: This is Beth Moore's blog. I love the Beth Moore bible studies. I learned about them not too long ago when I joined one at my church. I love that her daughter's post on this blog too!

3. Homeschool Creations: I just recently came across and started following this blog. Wow! She has a ton of great ideas, product reviews, and giveaways. I absolutely love it, and so do a lot of other people! She has over 500 followers.

And I'd like to mention a brand new blog, Well-Watered Garden. This is the blog of my ex-husband's wife. She just started it last week and I thought I would help her gain some followers. (I know...some may think it's a little strange considering the relationship, but God teaches us to love our neighbors, right? In any case, I actually like her! She's a spunky, Christian woman and she's good to my daughter! ;) LOL)

And now, let's hear who you love to read!