This will be the first year I'm able to go. I'll be heading in with a group of fantastic ladies from my church. I hope to see YOU there!
This will be the first year I'm able to go. I'll be heading in with a group of fantastic ladies from my church. I hope to see YOU there!
Next put the dress up clothes in the bucket in the closet.
Then, put the stuffed animals in the bucket in the closet.
Put the shoes in the shoe hanger.
Put dirty clothes in the hamper.
Last, put the rest of the toys on the floor in the bucket in the closet.
We try to make it fun, too. Sometimes we do it to music. Sometimes we time her and see how long it takes her. Sometimes we use bribery - ice cream usually works well for us.
And after a few minutes....a clean room! Wow! Wish I'd have thought of this when my other four were growing up. Better late than never, I guess!
I'd love to hear how you motivate your little ones to clean.
Happy Day!