This is the theme of the week over at Heart of the Matter - a great topic.
From what I'm reading on other posts on this subject, the general consensis seems to be teaching servitude. We are no different. I believe that this is true among homeschoolers especially because, for the most part, I don't see this being taught by public schools. Servitude is something that is learned at home.
We began serving others when my girls were involved in Girl Scouts. We started at our local food bank helping them to package meals for families during the holidays. It became something that I strongly believe in and my children are learning that the universe does not revolve around them and that they actually have it pretty good at home.
In addition to teaching them to serve others, I also try to incorporate tolerance of others. I focus a lot on our own family. The two girls, being so close in age (under a year apart) sometimes find it difficult to get past their differences. They are like night and day. One is the diva princess and the other is a barn-junkie, a lover of all things horses. The diva has the hardest time accepting the dirt and smell of horses on the other! (I did see some real progress when last summer the diva actually volunteered alongside her sister at a local rescue barn - her own idea - AND decided to sponsor one of the horses there!)
The other thing I try to incorporate is etiquette. I see so many kids nowadays that don't know how to speak to adults, shake hands when being introduced, or just eating with manners at a local restaurant. I bought the latest Emily Post book and try to incorporate these lessons in small doses each day. Many people, even adults, don't know how or when to send thank you notes, take a message over the phone, or just politely say no. It's amazing to see the kids try these things out on their own. The 4-year old needs a little work - but she's getting it! ;)
So, how do you teach your child abundance? I'd love to know!