It gets to be all about me? Really? Because, y'know, it's usually all about the kids, or hubby, or our cute little American Canine Chihuahua named Harley. But, wow! About me...hmmm...
Ok. Well, I was born in the south - Flordia, but raised in the mountains - Colorado, and I went to public school...oh - too far back...
Let's see...I'm a homeschool mom of five, three of whom are left at home (is that the correct usage of "whom"? I just can never get that right!) Two boys: 21 and 20, three girls: 15, 14, and 3. One boy, the 21 year old, has left home but the strings are still there (he works nearby) and he's given me (along with his fianceƩ) my first grandchild (Faith). The second boy joined the Air Force after we graduated him. The two older girls will be entering 9th grade in about two weeks. The youngest - well, she rules the roost and everyone else's roosts too! (She's the one on the sidebar to the right)

(That's just red lipstick that she applied herself!)
We've been homeschooling for about 10 years. My kids (at least the older four) were, unfortunately, a product of the public school system for a while. But, when the boys were approached in 6th and 7th grades about sex and drugs the decision was simple. Pull them out! We've never looked back. Since that time, our family has become a cohesive unit and my boys still love to hug me and call me "Mommy". I'm sure they'd curl up in my lap for a rock in the rocking chair if they could (but they're much bigger than me!) Well, the 20 year old has tried that! The other one is a touch more reserved.
We use a variety of curriculum. When we first started I used one of those complete curriculum that had the lesson plans all done for you. I needed that guidance! Now, I do the lesson plans myself and pick and choose which publisher for which subject I prefer. It's a lot more time consuming but, as I've always dreamed of being a teacher, I'm in my element, I guess you could say. Now, we use just about everything: Bob Jones, Prentice Hall, Alpha Omega, McDougal Littel, and some others.
It's amazing to me that over the last decade I've actually become what's commonly referred to as a "veteran" homeschool mom. And now, I even teach others "how to do it". Of course, I know for a fact that I certainly don't have all the answers and am always searching for more - hence homeschool blogging!
Let's see, what else can I tell about me. I'm an Amercian Idol fan. I actually didn't get hooked until two seasons ago when Jordin Sparks won. I voted for her and David Cook, by the way. I love to read but don't always find the time for pleasure reading anymore. It always seems to be textbooks nowadays! Which reminds me - I hope to begin my own college education in the spring - or at least continue with it. I'm one of those "some college" people.
I love to decorate cakes. I did it for an income for about seven years. I attended a local Bridal Expo and actually got paid for my wedding cakes, birthday cakes, and others. Now, I only do it occassionally. It's a love/hate relationship!
People would be very surprised (those who know me) about some of the things I've done over the years to provide an income. My husband and I both have "entrepreneurial" spirits and are constantly forming new businesses. I've done pressure washing, building model cars (yes, for a living!), custom painted motorcycles, cars, trucks, etc. (my husband's businesses mostly that I get roped into), run my own secretarial business and various other things.

I'm very much into volunteering. My husband says I have Volunteer-itis. Guess he's right. I've been a Girl Scout Leader, Cub Scout mom, homecshool group leader (for several different groups), a downtown revitalization committe member, and most recently a volunteer for UNICEF. I'm sure there are probably some other things I've done but I can't remember them all.
Well, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. I can't wait to read the other posts on this topic. What a great idea that Homeschool Blog Awards has come up with!
Til next time....