Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saving the Horses!

We lived in the Atlanta area for a while after my husband was medically separated from the military (we're from there). During this stay, we became involved in a local animal rescue. Or, I should say, my daughter Elizabeth, became involved. You see, Lizzy has a tremendous love of horses. (She's graduated from Dinosaurs to horses over the years) Lizzy, being the contageous soul that she is, dragged my mother (Grammy) along. After Grammy's first trip there she was hooked. Lizzy and Grammy began going every weekend they could to volunteer at this rescue. They even dragged me along for the ride (pun intended). Next thing I know, we're all sponsoring a few of the horses.

I've been so proud of Lizzy and her steadfast devotion to these animals. I'm always amazed at her depth of knowledge about horses. This is her passion! So, I'm taking a page from her book and putting the word out there that these horses need our help! Even if you're not a horse person, which I'm not, you still have something to offer. Whether it's time, money, or some other form of gift, please considering giving what you can!

Here's a wonderful video about this rescue:

Need to know exactly what happens at a slaughter house? You can watch the video at this link:

BEWARE!!!!! This video is extremely graphic and is NOT suitable for children!

When I first saw this video I was outraged! And I'm not a horse person. And did you know that there are slaughter houses right here in the United States?

Several of the horses at HRRRF, the rescue barn in Atlanta, were scheduled for the slaughter houses. How can we let this happen? Want to make a difference:

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The New Addition

We've got a new little addition to the family. And I do mean "LITTLE"! It's like having a baby all over again.

Since my dh does custom painting on the side and does a lot of bikes, we named him Harley. It seemed to fit. He's very "full of himself" - which the breeder I bought him from told me he was! She wasn't kidding. LOL

Having a small dog is such a joy! We're used to having big dogs - dobies, german shepards, labs. I'm really looking forward to dressing him up and carrying him around in one of those puppy purses. The movie Legally Blonde comes to mind - although I'm not blonde!

He's already spoiled though and we've 0nly had him for two days. He likes to be held when he's falling asleep. Just like a baby. We're trying to teach him that he sleeps in his crate. Of course, he whines like the dickins, but eventually settles down.

Anyway, had to share about this little bitty cutie. (He's got some great lungs though)